The 2024 Webinar Schedule is here!
Effective professional development is not a single event, but an ongoing commitment. With that in mind, NAESPA is committed to providing engaging webinar series throughout the year. This year's schedule is complete, so check below to see what you can add to your schedule.
Past & Upcoming Events
- Watch June's Webinar
The Success Loop
Hosted by Suzy Pepper Rollins - Watch August's Webinar
Introducing MiFamily: Michigan’s Prenatal Through Post-Secondary Family Engagement
Hosted by Alan Thomas, Melissa Manko, & Shanon Everett from MiLEAP - September 25th, 12:30pm ET - REGISTER NOW
Consolidation of Funds: Unlocking Opportunities for Flexibility and Innovation
Paneled by Shaun Owen, Kathleen Yarbrough, Amy Rowell & Brittan Ayers
Consolidation of Funds is an ESEA encouraged funding approach that merges multiple federal funding sources with state and local funds, unlocking increased opportunities for innovation and flexibility at Title I schools. Georgia is a trailblazer in this domain, piloting Consolidation of Funds in 2016 with four LEAs and expanding the initiative to 46 LEAs and more than 400 schools. Drawing on nine years of practical experience, Georgia’s state leaders share an overview of Consolidation of Funds, discuss the logistics of implementation, and spotlight compelling success stories from Title I schools across the state. Join this webinar to explore how Consolidation of Funds fosters strategic synergy among federal, state, and local funds, positively impacting continuous school improvement efforts. - October 23rd, 4pm ET - REGISTER NOW
Language Access: Communicating with MLs and Their Parents
Paneled by David Holbrook of NAELPA, Lee Herr, Georgina Forio, Dr. Jose Velazquez, & Tamara Eklöf-Parks
Hear from a panel of educators who are overcoming language barriers and meeting legal requirements of communicating to parents of English learners (ELs). The legal requirements set forth in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the associated court cases Lau and Castañeda established that the rights of ELs and limited English proficient parents are violated if local education agencies don’t make efforts to overcome language barriers. This webinar highlights these legal requirements to provide EL programs and to communicate with parents in a language they understand. The panelists bring perspectives from different states, demographics and district sizes. They will share how they are implementing best practices and meeting the requirements in their own contexts. - November 7th
De-Mystifying Equitable Services for SEAs and LEAs
Paneled by Janette Newton, LaNetra Guess & Chantelle Carter
This will be a Q&A type panel with one Ombuds asking 7-10 questions and the other 2 Ombuds sharing their state's practices. The questions will cover consultation and other hot topics such as pooling, transferability and barriers to Title I-A access. - December 11th
An SEA's Efforts to Align Title I Schoolwide Program and Support and Improvement Efforts to Implement Evidence-Based Practices
Hosted by a panel from the Mississippi Department of Education
The Mississippi Department of Education will share how it collaborates across program offices (The Office of Federal Programs and the Office of School Improvement) to support LEAs with identifying and including Evidence-based practices within Title I Schoolwide and Support and Improvement Plans for CSI, ATSI, and TSI.
Find past webinars in the Video On Demand portion of the website.