Topic: USED & White House
Learn more about the activities and efforts of the Executive Branch of the federal government related to federal education programs.

Dear colleagues,


Please see the attached flyer that announces two upcoming webinars from the U.S. Department’s Office of English Languag...

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September 3, 2020


Dear Chief State School Officer:


During the past several months, we have experienced unprecedented challenges ac...

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Dear colleagues,


The U.S. Department of Education invites you to join us on September 9 for a webinar focused on teacher collaboration t...

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United States Department of Education

Office of Formula Grants


On October 15, 2019, President Trump signed Executive Order 13891, “Prom...

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August 14, 2020


Dear colleagues,

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed incredible educational challenges, including numerous school closures ...

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August 2020 Newsletter from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
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