Dear State Title II, Part A Directors,
As most of you know, the U.S. Department of Education conducts annual surveys of both SEAs and LEAs to determine how they use Title II, Part A funds; the surveys fulfill the Title II, Part A reporting requirements in section 2104 of the ESEA. These data collections are subject to periodic renewal, which provides the Department with an opportunity to revise and update our data collection instruments. This year, the Department is renewing the data collection on the use of State-level Title II, Part A funds (we anticipate doing a similar review and update of the LEA survey next year).
The revision of the SEA survey that the Department if proposing is fairly substantial. Based on feedback we have received from States over the past few years, we have tried make the survey clearer and less burdensome for SEA staff to complete. The information collection for the proposed revision to the SEA survey is now available for public review and comment at https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=ED-2020-SCC-0186. We would very much appreciate your review of the proposed information collection and any comments you may have about it. The comment period for this notice closes on February 8, 2021.
We appreciate your assistance in helping us improve our survey instrument. Thank you in advance for your help.
Patrick Rooney
Director, School Support and Accountability